Key Things To Monitor When Completing A Septic System Install

A septic system installation may be relevant to your property if it's not able to utilize traditional plumbing. Although there are many things to monitor throughout this process, here are some of the most important.

Soil Layers

In order to use the right equipment for setting up a septic system, you need to know exactly what type of soil you're dealing with. There will be layers of soil that vary in characteristics, depending on what's found underground. Find out what these are so that the appropriate well drilling equipment gets shipped out the first time.

You'll have concrete data to work off of when you hire a company to carry out soil analysis. Each of the different layers will be highlighted, whether they feature concrete, dirt, or clay. Then you can use the appropriate drilling equipment that gets through each layer smoothly.

Plumbing Codes

There are plumbing codes you have to follow to the letter when installing a septic system. Even if your property is out in the middle of nowhere, these codes still exist and thus need to be considered before you ever start drilling into the ground with equipment. 

There are two professionals you can talk to when learning more about these codes before drilling a septic system. That includes a professional septic system driller, and a plumber that manages septic systems. Find one of these professionals and then have them break down all of the plumbing codes that your new septic system has to comply with.

Installation Type 

If you want setting up a septic system to go smoothly, then you need to figure out what type of installation is taking place. Either you're going in and replacing an existing septic system or installing one for the very first time. Both will vary in terms of the installation steps that need to be executed.

For instance, replacing an existing septic system will involve more work as far as moving equipment out, seeing what's salvageable, and installing new septic components. Whereas with a new septic system installation, you have to pay more attention to prep work in the beginning since you're starting from scratch. 

If you're getting ready to set up a new septic system or replace one, you need to understand what type of work and regulations you're looking at. That's key in successfully getting through this setup experience and having no regrets about how it unfolds at any point.
